福島 雅夫
・ 著書
- 福島雅夫, 非線形最適化の理論, 産業図書, 1980年11月.
- 岡田憲夫, K.W. Hipel, N.M. Fraser, 福島雅夫, コンフリクトの数理, 現代数学社, 1988年10月.
- 茨木俊秀, 福島雅夫,
FORTRAN77 最適化プログラミング, 岩波書店,
- 茨木俊秀, 福島雅夫,
最適化の手法, 共立出版, 1993年7月. [中国語版: 最優化方法, 曽道智 (訳), 中国図書出版公司, 北京, 1997]
- 福島雅夫, 数理計画入門, 朝倉書店, 1996年9月.
- 山川栄樹, 福島雅夫,
数理計画における並列計算, 朝倉書店, 2001年1月.
- 福島雅夫, 非線形最適化の基礎, 朝倉書店, 2001年 4月. [中国語版: 非線性最優化基礎, 林貴華 (訳), 科学出版社, 北京, 2011].
- 山下信雄, 福島雅夫,
数理計画法, コロナ社, 2008年5月.
- 福島雅夫, 新版・数理計画入門, 朝倉書店, 2011年2月.
・ 著書(分担執筆)
- 福島雅夫, 現代OR入門, 第7章「非線形計画法」, 西田俊夫, 田畑吉雄 (編), 現代数学社, 1995年3月.
- 福島雅夫, 離散構造とアルゴリズム VI, 第5章 「均衡制約をもつ数理計画問題 (MPEC)」, 藤重悟 (編), 近代科学社, 1999年7月.
- 福島雅夫, 数理工学のすすめ, 第1章, 第7節「最適化は問題解決のキーワード」, 京都大学工学部情報学科数理工学コース (編), 現代数学社, 2000年2月(改訂版:2005年1月).
・ 編書
- M. Fukushima and L. Qi, eds.,
Reformulation -- Nonsmooth, Piecewise Smooth, Semismooth and Smoothing
Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.
- M. Fukushima and T. Tsuchiya, eds.,
Festschrift in honor of Professor Masao Iri's 65th birthday, Optimization
Methods and Software, Vol. 10, No.2, December 1998.
- T. Ibaraki, M. Fukushima, A.
Tamura and Y. Yamamoto, eds., Special Issue on New Trends in Mathematical
Programming, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 43,
No. 1, March 2000.
- M. Fukushima and L. Qi, eds.,
Special Issue on Nonsmooth and Smoothing Methods, Computational
Optimization and Applications, Vol. 17, Nos. 2/3, December 2000.
- M. Fukushima and Y.X. Yuan, eds.,
Special Issue on the Second Japanese-Sino Optimization Meeting, September
25--27, 2002, Kyoto Japan, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 18,
Nos. 2/3, April/August 2003.
- M. Fukushima and L. Qi, eds.,
Special Issue on the 6th International Conference on Optimization:
Techniques and Applications, Computational Optimization and Applications,
Vol. 35, No. 1, September 2006.
- M. Fukushima and S.Y. Wang, eds.,
Special Issue on Optimization and Control Applications, Optimization and
Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, September 2007.
- M. Fukushima, M. Gaudioso, F.
Giannessi and D. Pallaschke, Special Issue dedicated to Professor Vladimir
F. Demyanov on the occasion of his 70 th birthday, Optimization
Methods and Software, Vol. 25, No. 1, February 2010.
- X. Chen and M. Fukushima, eds.,
Special Issue dedicated Professor Liqun Qi on the occasion of his 65th
birthday Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 50, No. 2,
October 2011.
- 太田快人, 酒井英昭,
高橋豊, 田中利幸, 永持仁, 福島雅夫 (編), 数理工学事典, 朝倉書店, 2011.
・ 辞典・ハンドブック等(分担執筆)
- 電子情報通信ハンドブック, 電子情報通信学会, オーム社, 1988年3月 (分担執筆).
- 岩波情報科学辞典, 岩波書店, 1990年5月 (分担執筆).
- アルゴリズム辞典, 共立出版, 1994年9月 (分担執筆).
- 新版情報処理ハンドブック, 情報処理学会編, オーム社, 1995年11月 (分担執筆).
- ソフトコンピューティング用語集, 朝倉書店, 1996年5月 (分担執筆).
- OR 事典
2000, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会編, 日科技連出版社, 2000年5月 (分担執筆).
- 最適設計ハンドブック, 朝倉書店, 2003年2月 (分担執筆).
- 岩波数学辞典第4版,
岩波書店, 2007年3月 (分担執筆).
- 数理科学事典第2版,
丸善, 2009年12月(分担執筆).
- 朝倉・数学ハンドブック・応用編,朝倉書店,2011年8月
・ 研究論文 (査読付雑誌・図書など)
- H. Mine, K. Ohno and M. Fukushima,
Multilevel decomposition of nonlinear programming problems by dynamic
programming, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 53 (1976),
pp. 7-27.
- H. Mine, K. Ohno and M. Fukushima,
Decomposition of nonlinear chance-constrained programming problems by
dynamic programming, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 56
(1976), pp. 211-222.
- H. Mine, K. Ohno and M. Fukushima,
A "conjugate" interior penalty method for certain convex
programs, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 15 (1977), pp. 747-755.
- H. Mine and M. Fukushima, Penalty
function theory for general convex programming problems, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications 24 (1978), pp. 287-301.
- H. Mine and M. Fukushima,
Application of Fenchel's duality theorem to penalty methods in convex
programming, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University 40
(1978), pp. 30-39.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and Y.
Fujii, A dual approach to the generalized multifacility location problems
with arbitrary norms, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Cybernetics and Society , Tokyo , November 1978, pp. 678-683.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and Y.J.
Ryang, Parametric nonlinear programming for general cases and its
application to some problems, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto
University 40 (1978), pp. 198-211
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and N.
Navarrete, Jr., A new method of ranking: The relative position ranking,
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University 41 (1979), pp.
- H. Mine and M. Fukushima,
Decomposition of multiple criteria mathematical programming problems by
dynamic programming, International Journal of Systems Science 10 (1979),
pp. 557-566.
- N. Navarrete, Jr., M. Fukushima
and H. Mine, A new ranking method based on relative position estimate and
its extensions, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC-9
(1979), pp. 681-689.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and Y.J.
Ryang, On solving a certain multi-parametric nonlinear programming
problems, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University (1980),
pp. 404-412.
- N. Navarrete, Jr., M. Fukushima
and H. Mine, A qualitative multicriteria ranking method for project
selection, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial
System Engineering and Management in Developing Countries , Bangkok ,
November 1980, pp. 481-493.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and N.
Navarrete, Jr., A fuzzy preference model in decision making, Memoirs of
the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University 43 (1981), pp. 145-158.
- H. Mine and M. Fukushima, A
minimization method for the sum of a convex function and a continuously
differentiable function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
33 (1981), pp. 9-23.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and Y.J.
Ryang, Methods of parametric non-linear programming, International Journal
of Systems Science 12 (1981), pp. 95-110.
- M. Fukushima and H. Mine, A
generalized proximal point algorithm for certain nonconvex minimization
problems, International Journal of Systems Science 12 (1981), pp.
- M. Fukushima, A finitely
convergent algorithm for convex inequalities, IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control AC-27 (1982), pp. 1126-1127.
- M. Fukushima, Y. Morinaga and H.
Mine, A heuristic decomposition approach to optimal control in a water
supply model, European Journal of Operational Research 11 (1982), pp.
- M. Fukushima, An outer
approximation algorithm for solving general convex programs, Operations
Research 31 (1983), pp. 101-113.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima, K. Ishikawa
and I. Sawa, An algorithm for the assignment problem with stochastic side
constraints, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University 45
(1983), pp. 26-35.
- M. Fukushima, A fixed point
approach to certain convex programs with applications in stochastic
programming, Mathematics of Operations Research 8 (1983), pp. 517-524.
- M. Fukushima, On the convergence
of a class of outer approximation algorithms for convex programs, Journal
of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 (1984), pp. 147-156.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, A
continuation method for solving separable nonlinear least squares
problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 (1984), pp.
- M. Fukushima, A modified
Frank-Wolfe algorithm for solving the traffic assignment problem,
Transportation Research 18B (1984), pp. 169-177.
- M. Fukushima, On the dual approach
to the traffic assignment problem, Transportation Research 18B (1984), pp.
- M. Fukushima, A nonsmooth
optimization approach to nonlinear multicommodity network flow problems,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 27 (1984), pp.
- M. Fukushima, A descent algorithm
for nonsmooth convex optimization, Mathematical Programming 30 (1984), pp.
- H. Mine, M. Fukushima and Y.
Tanaka, On the use of $\epsilon$-most-active constraints in an exact
penalty function method for nonlinear optimization, IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control AC-29 (1984), pp. 1040-1042.
- M. Fukushima, On the generalized
variational inequalities, Proceedings of the International Seminar on
Operations Research and Systems , Kyoto, November 1985, pp. 35-50.
- M. Fukushima, E. Yamakawa and H.
Mine, On dual differentiable exact penalty functions for equality
constrained optimization, Journal of the Operations Research Society of
Japan 28 (1985), pp. 302-316.
- M. Fukushima, A relaxed projection
method for variational inequalities, Mathematical Programming 35 (1986),
pp. 58-70.
- M. Fukushima and Y. Yamamoto, A
second-order algorithm for continuous-time nonlinear optimal control
problems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control AC-31 (1986), pp.
- M. Fukushima, A successive
quadratic programming algorithm with global and superlinear convergence
properties, Mathematical Programming 35 (1986), pp. 253-264.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, A new
predictor-corrector method for solving unconstrained minimization
problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 16 (1986), pp.
- S. Hashizume, M. Fukushima, N.
Katoh and T. Ibaraki, Approximation algorithms for combinatorial
fractional programming problems, Mathematical Programming 37 (1987), pp.
- Y. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and T.
Hasegawa, An implementable $L_\infty$ penalty function method for
semi-infinite optimization, International Journal of Systems Science 18
(1987), pp. 1563-1568.
- M. Fukushima and T. Itoh, A dual
approach to asymmetric traffic equilibrium problems, Mathematica Japonica
32 (1987), pp. 701-721.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, An
efficient predictor-corrector method for solving nonlinear equations,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 (1987), pp. 343-349.
- 福島雅夫, 新井直子,
茨木俊秀, 非線形最小費用流問題に対する内点法, システムと制御, 31 (1987), pp. 837-843.
- T. Itoh, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, An iterative method for variational inequalities with application
to traffic equilibrium problems, Journal of the Operations Research
Society of Japan 31 (1988), pp. 82-103.
- Y. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A comparative study of several semi-infinite nonlinear
programming algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research 36
(1988), pp. 92-100.
- Y. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A globally convergent SQP method for semi-infinite nonlinear
optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 23 (1988),
pp. 141-153.
- M. Fukushima, Solving inequality
constrained optimization problems by differential homotopy continuation
methods, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 133 (1988), pp.
- 福島雅夫, 桂龍司,
茨木俊秀, 最小木更新アルゴリズムについて, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J71-A (1988), pp. 1979-1982.
- R. Katsura, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, Interior methods for nonlinear minimum cost network flow
problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 32 (1989),
pp. 174-199.
- E. Yamakawa, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, An efficient trust region algorithm for minimizing
nondifferentiable composite functions, SIAM Journal on Scientific and
Statistical Computing 10 (1989), pp. 562-580.
- Y. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, On generalized pseudoconvex functions, Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications 144 (1989), pp. 342-355.
- H. Nagamochi, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, Relaxation methods for the strictly convex multicommodity flow
problem with capacity constraints on individual commodities, Networks 20
(1990), pp. 409-426.
- M. Fukushima, A conjugate gradient
algorithm for sparse linear inequalities, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics 30 (1990), pp. 329-339.
- M. Fukushima, A successive
quadratic programming method for a class of constrained nonsmooth
optimization problems, Mathematical Programming 49 (1991), pp. 231-251.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, A
hybrid method for nonlinear least squares problem with simple bounds,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 36 (1991), pp. 149-157.
- 若原達朗, 福島雅夫,
茨木俊秀, 大規模非線形計画問題に対する逐次二次 計画分解法, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 4 (1991), pp. 473-480.
- S. Ibaraki, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, Dual-based Newton methods for nonlinear minimum cost network flow
problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 34 (1991),
pp. 263-286.
- M. Fukushima, Equivalent
differentiable optimization problems and descent methods for asymmetric
variational inequality problems, Mathematical Programming 53 (1992), pp.
- M. Fukushima, K. Takazawa, S.
Ohsaki and T. Ibaraki, Successive linearization methods for large-scale
nonlinear programming problems, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied
Mathematics 9 (1992), pp. 117-132.
- 辻野雅之, 福島雅夫,
茨木俊秀, 動的交通流配分のネットワーク・モデル, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 5 (1992), pp. 257-264.
- M. Fukushima, Application of the
alternating direction method of multipliers to separable convex
programming problems, Computational Optimization and Applications 1
(1992), pp. 93-111.
- S. Ibaraki , M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, Primal-dual proximal point algorithm for linearly constrained
convex programming problems, Computational Optimization and Applications 1
(1992), pp. 207-226.
- K. Taji, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A globally convergent Newton method for solving strongly monotone
variational inequalities, Mathematical Programming 58 (1993), pp. 369-383.
- T. Wakahara, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A practical approach to decomposable nonlinear programming
problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 36 (1993),
pp. 1-12.
- Y. Shimazu, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A successive over-relaxation method for quadratic programming
problems with interval constraints, Journal of the Operations Research
Society of Japan 36 (1993), pp. 73-89.
- J. Eckstein and M. Fukushima, Some
reformulations and applications of the alternating direction method of
multipliers, Large Scale Optimization: State of the Art, W.W. Hager, D.W.
Hearn and P.M. Pardalos (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V., 1994, pp.
- M. Tsujino, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A model of time-varying flow on a congested multidestination
network, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 11 (1994), pp.
- S. Ibaraki and M. Fukushima,
Primal-dual proximal point algorithm for multicommodity network flow
problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 37 (1994),
pp. 297-309.
- K. Taji and M. Fukushima,
Optimization based globally convergent method for the nonlinear
complementarity problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of
Japan 37 (1994), pp. 310-331.
- K. Iwaoka, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A primal-dual proximal point algorithm for variational inequality
problems, Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems , F.
Giannessi and A. Maugeri (eds.), Plenum Press, 1995, pp. 143-153.
- 巽啓司, 福島雅夫,
逐次射影法としての誤差逆伝播法, システム制御情報学会論文誌 8 (1995), pp. 204-211.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, A
hybrid method for solving the nonlinear least squares problem with linear
inequality constraints, Journal of the Operations Research Society of
Japan 38 (1995), pp. 55-69.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, On
stationary points of the implicit Lagrangian for nonlinear complementarity
problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 84 (1995), pp.
- K. Taji and M. Fukushima, A
globally convergent Newton method for solving variational inequality
problems with inequality constraints, Recent Advances in Nonsmooth
Optimization , D.-Z. Du, L. Qi and R. Womersley (eds.), World Scientific
Publishers, pp. 405-417, 1995.
- T. Sugimoto, M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A parallel relaxation method for quadratic programming problems
with interval constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics 60 (1995), pp. 219-236.
- N. Machida , M. Fukushima and T.
Ibaraki, A multisplitting method for symmetric linear complementarity
problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 62 (1995), pp.
- M. Fukushima, M. Haddou, V.H.
Nguyen, J.-J. Strodiot, T. Sugimoto and E. Yamakawa , A parallel descent
algorithm for convex programming, Computational Optimization and
Applications 5 (1996), pp. 5-37.
- M. Fukushima, The primal
Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for a class of monotone mappings with
application to the traffic equilibrium problem, Mathematical Programming
72 (1996), pp. 1-15.
- S. Ibaraki and M. Fukushima,
Partial proximal method of multipliers for convex programming problems,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 39 (1996), pp.
- P. Tseng, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, Equivalence of complementarity problems to differentiable
minimization: A unified approach, SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 (1996),
pp. 446-460.
- M. Fukushima, Merit functions for
variational inequality and complementarity problems, Nonlinear
Optimization and Applications , G. Di Pillo and F. Giannessi (eds.),
Plenum Press, 1996, pp. 155-170.
- E. Yamakawa and M. Fukushima, A
block-parallel conjugate gradient method for separable quadratic
programming problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
39 (1996), pp. 407-427.
- K. Taji and M. Fukushima, A new
merit function and a successive quadratic programming algorithm for
variational inequality problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 (1996), pp.
- C. Kanzow and M. Fukushima,
Equivalence of the generalized complementarity problem to differentiable
unconstrained minimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications 90 (1996), pp. 581-603.
- M. Fukushima and L. Qi, A globally
and superlinearly convergent algorithm for nonsmooth convex minimization,
SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 (1996), pp. 1106-1120.
- 山川栄樹, 松原康博,
福島雅夫, 2次コスト多品種流問題に対する並列型主双対内点法, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 39
(1996), pp. 566-591.
- K. Tatsumi and M. Fukushima, A
successive projection method for binary pattern recognition with
multilayer feedforward neural networks, International Journal of Systems
Science 27 (1996), pp. 917-923.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima,
Modified Newton methods for solving a semismooth reformulation of monotone
complementarity problems, Mathematical Programming (Series B) 76 (1997),
pp. 469-491.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima,
Equivalent unconstrained minimization and global error bounds for
variational inequality problems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
35 (1997), pp. 273-284.
- M. Fukushima and J.-S. Pang,
Minimizing and stationary sequences of merit functions for complementarity
problems and variational inequalities, Complementarity and Variational
Problems: State of the Art, M.C. Ferris and J.-S. Pang (eds.), SIAM ,
Philadelphia , 1997, pp. 91-104.
- D. Sun, M. Fukushima and L. Qi, A
computable generalized Hessian of the D-gap function and Newton-type
methods for variational inequality problems, Complementarity and
Variational Problems: State of the Art, M.C. Ferris and J.-S. Pang (eds.),
SIAM , Philadelphia , 1997, pp. 452-472.
- N. Yamashita, K. Taji and M.
Fukushima, Unconstrained optimization reformulations of variational
inequality problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 92
(1997), pp. 439-456.
- 山川栄樹, 牧英一,
福島雅夫, 分離可能な2次計画問題に対する非同期型ブロック並列アルゴリズム, システム制御情報学会論文誌 10 (1997), pp. 248-258.
- C. Kanzow, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, New NCP-functions and their properties, Journal of Optimization
Theory and Applications 94 (1997), pp. 115-135.
- 巽啓司, 福島雅夫,
階層型ニューラルネットワークに対する逐次射影法の改良, システム制御情報学会論文誌 11 (1998), pp. 77-85.
- H. Jiang, M. Fukushima, L. Qi and
D. Sun, A trust region method for solving generalized complementarity
problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 (1998), pp. 140-157.
- M. Fukushima, Z.-Q. Luo and J.-S.
Pang, A globally convergent sequential quadratic programming algorithm for
mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints,
Computational Optimization and Applications 10 (1998), pp. 5-34.
- M. Okada, K. Taji and M.
Fukushima, Probabilistic analysis of 2-opt for travelling salesman
problems, International Journal of Systems Science 29 (1998), pp. 297-310.
- 向井くみこ, 巽啓司,
福島雅夫, 二次コスト 0-1 混合整数計画問題に対する近似解法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J81-A (1998), pp. 649-657.
- M. Fukushima, Parallel variable
transformation in unconstrained optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization
8 (1998), pp. 658-672.
- M. Fukushima and J.-S. Pang, Some
feasibility issues in mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints,
SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 (1998), pp. 673-681.
- C. Kanzow and M. Fukushima,
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the D-gap function for box
constrained variational inequalities, Mathematical Programming 83 (1998),
pp. 55-87.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, A
new merit function and a descent method for semidefinite complementarity
problems, Reformulation: Nonsmooth, Piecewise Smooth, Semismooth and
Smoothing Methods, M. Fukushima and L. Qi (eds.), Kluwer Academic
Publishers B.V., 1998, pp. 405-420.
- C. Kanzow and M. Fukushima,
Solving box constrained variational inequalities by using the natural
residual with D-gap function globalization, Operations Research Letters 23
(1998), pp. 45-51.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, A
derivative-free line search and DFP method for symmetric equations with
global and superlinear convergence, Numerical Functional Analysis and
Optimization 20 (1999), pp. 59-77.
- 山川栄樹, 福島雅夫,
2次輸送問題に対する交互方向乗数法のベクトル並列計算機における実行, システム制御情報学会論文誌 12 (1999), pp. 313-315.
- J.-S. Pang and M. Fukushima, Complementarity
constraint qualifications and simplified B-stationarity conditions for
mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Computational
Optimization and Applications 13 (1999), pp. 111-136.
- E. Yamakawa and M. Fukushima,
Testing parallel variable transformation, Computational Optimization and
Applications 13 (1999), pp. 253-274.
- J.M. Peng, C. Kanzow and M.
Fukushima, A hybrid Josephy-Newton method for solving box constrained
variational inequality problems via the D-gap function, Optimization Methods
and Software 10 (1999), pp. 687-710.
- X. Chen and M. Fukushima, Proximal
quasi-Newton methods for nondifferentiable convex optimization,
Mathematical Programming 85 (1999), pp. 313-334.
- M. Shibata, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, The extended semidefinite linear complementarity problem: A
reformulation approach, Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis, W.
Takahashi and T. Tanaka (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore , 1999, pp.
- M. Fukushima and J.-S. Pang,
Convergence of a smoothing continuation method for mathematical programs
with complementarity constraints, Ill-Posed Variational Problems and
Regularization Techniques, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical
Systems,Vol. 477, M. Thera and R. Tichatschke (eds.), Springer-Verlag,
Berlin/Heidelberg, 1999, pp. 99-110.
- J.M. Peng and M. Fukushima, A
hybrid Newton method for solving the variational inequality problem via
the D-gap function, Mathematical Programming 86 (1999), pp. 367-386.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, A globally
and superlinearly convergent Gauss-Newton based BFGS method for symmetric
nonlinear equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 35 (1999), pp.
- A.I. Rauf and M. Fukushima, A
globally convergent BFGS method for nonsmooth convex optimization, Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications. 104 (2000), pp. 539-558.
- K. Yamada, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, A new derivative-free descent method for the nonlinear
complementarity problem, Nonlinear Optimization and Related Topics, G. Di
Pillo and F. Giannessi, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, A
derivative-free line search and global convergence of Broyden-like method
for nonlinear equations, Optimization Methods and Software 13 (2000), pp.
- M. Kyono and M. Fukushima, Nonlinear
proximal decomposition method for convex programming, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications 106 (2000), pp. 357-372.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, Smoothing
Newton and quasi-Newton methods for mixed complementarity problems,
Computational Optimization and Applications 17 (2000), pp. 203-230.
- N. Yamashita, J. Imai and M.
Fukushima, The proximal point algorithm for the P_0 complementarity
problem, Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions, M.C.
Ferris, O.L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang (eds.), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001, pp. 361-379.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, The
proximal point algorithm with genuine superlinear convergence for the
monotone complementarity problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization 11 (2001),
pp. 364-379.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, A modified
BFGS method and its global convergence in nonconvex minimization, Journal
of Computational and Applied Mathematics 129 (2001), pp. 15-35.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, On the
global convergence of BFGS method for nonconvex unconstrained optimization
problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization 11 (2001), pp. 1054-1064.
- D. Li, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, Nonsmooth equation based BFGS method for solving KKT systems in
mathematical programming, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
109 (2001), pp. 123-167.
- J.P. Zeng, D. Li and M. Fukushima,
Weighted max-norm estimate of additive Schwarz iteration scheme for
solving linear complementarity problems, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics 131 (2001), pp. 1-14.
- N. Yamashita, C. Kanzow, T.
Morimoto and M. Fukushima, An infeasible interior proximal method convex
programming problems with linear constraints, Journal of Nonlinear and
Convex Analysis 2 (2001), pp. 139-156.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, On the
rate of convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method, Computing [Suppl]
15 (2001), pp. 239-249.
- M. Fukushima, Z.-Q. Luo and P.
Tseng, Smoothing functions for second-order-cone complementarity problems,
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (2001), pp. 436-460.
- M. Sasaki and M. Fukushima,
Stackelberg hub location problem, Journal of the Operations Research
Society of Japan 44 (2001), pp. 390-402.
- D. Li and M. Fukushima, Globally
convergent Broyden-like methods for semismooth equations and applications
to VIP, NCP and MCP, Annals of Operations Research 102 (2001), pp. 71-97.
- M. Fukushima and P. Tseng, An
implementable active-set algorithm for computing a B-stationary point of
the mathematical program with linear complementarity constraints, SIAM
Journal on Optimization 12 (2002), pp. 724-739, [Erratum: ibid. 17 (2007),
pp. 1253-1257.].
- 江本源一, 福島雅夫,
プロセス産業における時系列最適化のための逐次2次計画分解法, システム制御情報学会論文誌 15 (2002), pp. 34-40.
- K. Tatsumi, T. Tanino and M.
Fukushima, Global convergence property of error back-propagation method
for recurrent neural networks, Operations Research/ Management Science at
Work, E. Kozan and A. Ohuchi (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp.
- H. Dan, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, Convergence properties of the inexact Levenberg-Marquardt
method under local error bound conditions, Optimization Methods and
Software 17 (2002), pp. 605-626.
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima,
Hybrid simulated annealing and direct search method for nonlinear global
optimization, Optimization Methods and Software 17 (2002), pp. 891-912.
- H. Dan, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, A superlinearly convergent algorithm for the monotone
complementarity problem without uniqueness and nondegeneracy conditions,
Mathematics of Operations Research 27 (2002), pp. 743-753.
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima,
Simplex coding genetic algorithm for the global optimization of nonlinear
functions, Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming, T. Tanino, T.
Tanaka and M. Inuiguchi, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2003,
pp. 135-140.
- R.S. Bipasha, K. Yamada, N.
Yamashita and M. Fukushima, A linearly convergent descent method for
strongly monotone variational inequality problems, Journal of Nonlinear
and Convex Analysis 4 (2003), pp. 15-23.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, Some
exact penalty results for nonlinear programs and their applications to
mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications 118 (2003), pp. 67-80.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, New
relaxation method for mathematical programs with complementarity
constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 118 (2003),
pp. 81-116.
- M. Fukushima, Z.-Q. Luo and P.
Tseng, A sequential quadratically constrained quadratic programming method
for differentiable convex minimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization 13
(2003), pp. 1098-1119.
- H. Moriyama, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, The incremental Gauss-Newton algorithm with adaptive
stepsize rule, Computational Optimization and Applications 26 (2003), pp.
- M. Sasaki and M. Fukushima, On the
hub-and-spoke model with arc capacity constraints, Journal of the
Operations Research Society of Japan 46 (2003), pp. 409-428.
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima,
Minimizing multimodal functions by simplex coding genetic algorithm, Optimization
Methods and Software 18 (2003), pp. 265-282.
- X. Chen and M. Fukushima, A
smoothing method for a mathematical program with P-matrix linear
complementarity constraints, Computational Optimization and Applications
27 (2004), pp. 223-246.
- N. Yamashita, H. Dan and M.
Fukushima, On the identification of degenerate indices in the nonlinear
complementarity problem with the proximal point algorithm, Mathematical
Programming 99 (2004), pp. 377-397.
- D.H. Li, M. Fukushima, L. Qi and
N. Yamashita, Regularized Newton methods for convex minimization problems
with singular solutions, Computational Optimization and Applications 28
(2004), pp. 131-147.
- 熊野信太郎,川瀬直人,富永公彦,福島雅夫, 運用制約条件下での複数プラントの最適保守計画, システム制御情報学会論文誌 17 (2004), pp. 390-400.
- C. Kanzow, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, Levenberg-Marquardt methods for constrained nonlinear equations
with strong local convergence properties, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics 172 (2004), pp. 375-397.
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima,
Heuristic pattern search and its hybridization with simulated annealing
for nonlinear global optimization, Optimization Methods and Software 19
(2004), pp. 291-308.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, A
modified relaxation scheme for mathematical programs with complementarity
constraints, Annals of Operations Research 133 (2005), pp. 63-84.
- J.-S. Pang and M. Fukushima,
Quasi-variational inequalities, generalized Nash equilibria, and
multi-leader-follower games, Computational Management Science 2 (2005),
pp. 21-56 [Erratum: ibid. 6 (2009), pp. 373-375.].
- S. Hayashi, T. Yamaguchi, N.
Yamashita and M. Fukushima, A matrix splitting method for symmetric affine
second-order cone complementarity problems, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics 175 (2005), pp. 335-353.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, A class
of stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints:
Reformulations and algorithms, Journal of Industrial and Management
Optimization 1 (2005), pp. 99-122.
- N. Sagara and M. Fukushima, A
trust region method for nonsmooth convex optimization, Journal of
Industrial and Management Optimization 1 (2005), pp. 171-180.
- C. Ling, X. Chen, M. Fukushima and
L. Qi, A smoothing implicit programming approach for solving a class of
stochastic generalized semi-infinite programming problems, Pacific Journal
of Optimization 1 (2005), pp. 127-145.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima,
Regularization method for stochastic mathematical programs with
complementarity constraints, European Series of Applied and Industrial
Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and the Calculus of
Variations (COCV). 11 (2005), pp. 252-265.
- S. Hayashi, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, A combined smoothing and regularization method for monotone
second-order cone complementarity problems, SIAM Journal on Optimization
15 (2005), pp. 593-615.
- C. Kanzow, C. Nagel, H. Kato and
M. Fukushima, Successive linearization methods for nonlinear semidefinite
programs, Computational Optimization and Applications 31 (2005), pp.
- 熊野信太郎,溝口正信,滝根哲哉,福島雅夫, 空港施設運用における効率とセキュリティの最適化, システム制御情報学会論文誌 18 (2005), pp. 146-155.
- S. Hayashi, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, Robust Nash equilibria and second-order cone complementarity
problems, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 6 (2005), pp. 283-296.
- N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, On
the level-boundedness of the natural residual function for variational
inequality problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization 1 (2005), pp.
- X. Chen and M. Fukushima, Expected
residual minimization method for stochastic linear complementarity
problems, Mathematics of Operations Research 30 (2005), pp. 1022-1038.
- P.Y. Nie, L.H. Chen and M.
Fukushima, Dynamic programming approach to discrete time dynamic feedback
Stackelberg games with independent and dependent followers, European
Journal of Operational Research 169 (2006), pp. 310-328.
- P. Zhong and M. Fukushima, A new
multi-class support vector algorithm, Optimization Methods and Software 21
(2006), pp. 359-372.
- 沓名拓郎,甲斐良隆,福島雅夫,キャッシュリザーブを用いたモーゲージ担保証券優先劣後構造の最適設計, 日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会和文論文誌 49巻 (2006), pp. 62-88.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, Hybrid
approach with active set identification for mathematical programs with
complementarity constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications 128 (2006), pp. 1-28.
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima, New
reformulations for stochastic nonlinear complementarity problems,
Optimization Methods and Software 21 (2006), pp. 551-564.
- M. Fukushima, How to deal with
uncertainty – Some recent attempts, International
Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 5 (2006), pp.
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima,
Derivative-free filter simulated annealing method for constrained
continuous global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization 35 (2006),
- A.-R. Hedar and M. Fukushima, Tabu
Search directed by direct search methods for nonlinear global
optimization, European Journal of Operational Research 170 (2006), pp.
- X.W.
Liu and M. Fukushima, Parallelizable preprocessing method for multistage
stochastic programming problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications 131 (2006), 327-346.
- P.
Zhong and M. Fukushima, Regularized nonsmooth Newton method for
multi-class support vector machines, Optimization Methods and Software 22 (2007), pp.
- P. Zhong and M. Fukushima, Second
order cone programming formulations for robust multi-class classification,
Neural Computation 19 (2007), pp. 258-282.
- H. Kato and M. Fukushima, An
SQP-type algorithm for nonlinear second-order cone programs, Optimization
Letters 1 (2007), pp. 129-144.
- 江本源一, 福島雅夫,
発電プラントにおけるタービン負荷配分の大域的最適化, システム制御情報学会論文誌 20 (2007), pp. 76-83.
- M. Fukushima, A class of gap
functions for quasi-variational inequality problems, Journal of Industrial
and Management Optimization 3 (2007), pp. 165-171.
- M.-A.Majig, A.-R. Hedar and M.
Fukushima, Hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving general variational
inequality problems, Journal of Global Optimization 38 (2007), pp.
- H.
Fang, X. Chen and M. Fukushima, Stochastic $R_0$ matrix linear
complementarity problems, SIAM Journal on
Optimization 18 (2007), pp. 482-506.
- Z.
Wang and M. Fukushima, A finite algorithm for almost linear
complementarity problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
28 (2007), pp. 1387-1403.
- D.S. Huang, Y. Kai, F.J. Fabozzi
and M. Fukushima, An optimal design of collateralized mortgage obligation
with PAC-companion structure using dynamic cash reserve, European Journal
of Operational Research 177 (2007), pp. 1134-1152.
- D.S. Huang, F.J. Fabozzi
and M. Fukushima, Robust portfolio selection with uncertain exit time
using worst-case VaR strategy, Operations Research Letters 35 (2007), pp.
- G.H. Lin, X. Chen and M.
Fukushima, New restricted NCP functions and their applications to
stochastic NCP and stochastic MPEC, Optimization 56 (2007), pp. 641-653.
- R.P. Agdeppa, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, The traffic equilibrium problem with nonadditive costs and its
monotone mixed complementarity problem formulation, Transportation
Research B 41 (2007), pp. 862-874.
- D.S. Huang, S.S. Zhu, F.J. Fabozzi
and M. Fukushima, Portfolio selection with uncertain exit time: A robust
CVaR approach, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (2008), pp.
- M. Nishihara and M. Fukushima,
Evaluation of firm's loss due to incomplete information in real investment
decision, European Journal of Operational Research 188 (2008), pp.
- R.P. Agdeppa, N. Yamashita and M.
Fukushima, An implicit programming approach for the road pricing problem
with nonadditive route costs, Journal of Industrial and Management
Optimization 4 (2008), pp. 183-197.
- A.-R. Hedar, J. Wang and M.
Fukushima, Tabu search for attribute reduction in rough set theory, Soft
Computing 12 (2008), pp. 909-918.
- Y. Fang, L.H. Chen and M.
Fukushima, A mixed R&D projects and securities portfolio selection
model, European Journal of Operational Research 185 (2008), pp. 700-715.
- 田中洋一,福島雅夫,数理計画法によるコージェネレーションシステムの最適設計,システム制御情報学会論文誌 21 (2008), pp. 201-210.
- 田中洋一,福島雅夫,短時間での負荷変動を考慮した家庭用燃料電池システムの運用最適化,電気学会論文誌 B 128 (2008), pp. 1497-1504.
- G.H. Lin, H. Xu and M. Fukushima,
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling methods for a class of
stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints,
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 67 (2008), pp. 423-441.
- G.H.
Lin, X. Chen and M. Fukushima, Solving stochastic mathematical programs
with equilibrium constraints via approximation and smoothing implicit
programming with penalization, Mathematical Programming 116 (2009), pp.
- X.
Chen, C. Zhang and M. Fukushima, Robust solution of monotone stochastic
linear complementarity problems, Mathematical
Programming. 117 (2009), pp. 51-80.
- C. Kanzow, I. Ferenczi and M.
Fukushima, On the local convergence of semismooth Newton methods for
linear and nonlinear second-order cone programs without strict
complementarity, SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (2009), pp. 297-320.
- R.
Nishimura, S. Hayashi and M. Fukushima, Robust Nash equilibria in N-person
non-cooperative games: Uniqueness and reformulation, Pacific Journal of Optimization 5 (2009), pp. 237-259.
- 田中洋一,福島雅夫,確率計画法によるコージェネレーションシステムの運用最適化,電気学会論文誌 B 129 (2009), pp. 765-775.
- M.-A. Majig, B. Barsbold, R.
Enkhbat and M. Fukushima, A global optimization approach for solving
non-monotone variational inequality problems, Optimization 58 (2009), pp.
- D.S.
Huang, B.M. Yu, F.J. Fabozzi and M. Fukushima, CAViaR-based forecast for
oil price risk, Energy Economics 31 (2009), pp.
- S.S.
Zhu and M. Fukushima, Worst-case conditional Value-at-Risk with
application to robust portfolio management, Operations
Research 57 (2009), pp. 1155-1168.
- D. Huang, S.S. Zhu, F.J. Fabozzi
and M. Fukushima, Portfolio selection under distributional uncertainty: A
relative robust CVaR approach, European Journal of Operational Research
203 (2010), pp.185-194.
- R.P.
Agdeppa, N. Yamashita and M. Fukushima, Convex expected residual models
for stochastic affine variational inequality problems and its application
to the traffic equilibrium problem, Pacific
Journal of Optimization 6 (2010), pp. 3-19.
- K. Kubota and M. Fukushima, Gap
function approach to the generalized Nash equilibrium problem, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications 144 (2010), pp. 511-531.
- M.-A.Majig and M. Fukushima,
Restricted-step Josephy-Newton method for general variational inequalities
with polyhedral constraints, Pacific Journal of Optimization 6 (2010), pp.
- D.S. Huang, B.M. Yu, Z.D. Lu, F.J. Fabozzi, S. Forcardi and M.
Fukushima, Index-exciting CAViaR: A new empirical time-varying risk model,
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 14 (2), Article 1 (2010).
- G.H. Lin and M. Fukushima,
Stochastic equilibrium problems and stochastic mathematical programs with
equilibrium constraints: A survey, Pacific Journal of Optimization 6
(2010), pp. 455-482.
- T. Yan and M. Fukushima, Smoothing
method for mathematical programs with symmetric cone complementarity
constraints, Optimization 60 (2011), pp. 113-128.
- K. Nabetani, P. Tseng and M.
Fukushima, Parametrized variational inequality approaches to generalized
Nash equilibrium problems with shared constraints, Computational
Optimization and Applications 48 (2011), pp. 423-452.
- A.R. Hedar, E. Mabrouk and M.
Fukushima, Tabu programming: A new problem solver through adaptive memory
programming over tree data structures, International Journal of
Information Technology & Decision Making 10 (2011), pp. 373-406.
- M. Fukushima, Restricted
generalized Nash equilibria and controlled penalty algorithm,
Computational Management Science 8 (2011), pp. 201-218.
- B.T. Ong and M. Fukushima, Genetic algorithm with automatic
termination and search space rotation, Memetic Computing 3 (2011), pp.
- E. Mabrouk, J.C.H. Castro and M. Fukushima, Prime number
generation using memetic programming, Artificial Life and Robotics 16
(2011), pp. 53-56.
- K. Hamatani and M. Fukushima,
Pricing American options with uncertain volatility through stochastic
linear complementarity models, Computational Optimization and Applications
50 (2011), pp. 263-286.
- 尾添俊介,田中洋一,福島雅夫,リコース付き確率混合整数計画法によるスマートハウスの運用最適化,電気学会論文誌B 131 (2011), pp. 885—895.
- M. Hu and M. Fukushima,
Variational inequality formulation of a class of multi-leader-follower
games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 151 (2011), pp.
- B.T. Ong and M. Fukushima, Global
optimization via differential evolution with automatic termination,
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2 (2012), pp. 57-67.
- M. Fukushima, SOR- and Jacobi-type
iterative methods for solving $\ell_1$-$\ell_2$ problems by way of Fenchel
duality, Optimization Letters 6 (2012), pp. 679-686.
- A. von Heusinger, C. Kanzow and M.
Fukushima, Newton’s method for computing a
normalized equilibrium in the generalized Nash game through fixed point
formulation, Mathematical Programming. 132 (2012), pp. 99-123.
- R. Nishimura, S. Hayashi and M.
Fukushima, Semidefinite complementarity reformulation for robust Nash
equilibrium problems with Euclidean uncertainty sets, Journal of Global
Optimization 53 (2012), pp. 187-215.
- C.P. Bras, M. Fukushima, J.J. Judice and S.S. Rosa, Variational
inequality formulation of the asymmetric eigenvalue complementarity
problem and its solution by means of gap functions, Pacific Journal of
Optimization 8 (2012), pp. 197-215.
- M. Hu and M. Fukushima, Smoothing approach to Nash equilibrium
formulations for a class of equilibrium problems with shared
complementarity constraints, Computational Optimization and Applications
52 (2012), pp. 415-437.
- K. Ruan and M. Fukushima, Robust
portfolio selection with a combined WCVaR and factor model, Journal of
Industrial and Management Optimization 8 (2012), pp. 343-362.
- T. Okuno, S. Hayashi and M.
Fukushima, A regularized explicit exchange method for semi-infinite
programs with an infinite number of conic constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization 22 (2012),
pp. 1009-1028.
- E.H.
Fukuda, P.J.S. Silva and M. Fukushima, Differentiable exact penalty
functions for nonlinear second-order cone programs, SIAM Journal on
Optimization 22 (2012), pp. 1607-1633.
- Y.B. Zhao and M. Fukushima, Rank-one solutions for homogeneous
linear matrix equations over the positive semidefinite cone, Applied
Mathematics and Computation 219 (2013), pp. 5569-5583.
- 高須啓介,田中洋一,福島雅夫, 相補性制約をもつ非線形2次錐計画問題に対する平滑化法とスマートハウス運転計画問題への適用, システム制御情報学会論文誌 26 (2013), pp. 34-44.
- J. Ang, M. Fukushima, F. Meng, T.
Noda and J. Sun, Establishing Nash equilibrium of the
manufacturer-supplier game in supply chain management, to appear in
Journal of Global Optimization..
- A. Dreves,
A. von Heusinger, C. Kanzow and M. Fukushima, A globalized Newton method
for the computation of normalized Nash equilibria, to appear in Journal of
Global Optimization.
- S. Yamanaka
and M. Fukushima, A branch-and-bound method for absolute value programs,
to appear in Optimization.
- H.
Yamamura, T. Okuno, S. Hayashi and M. Fukushima, A smoothing SQP method
for mathematical programs with linear second-order cone complementarity
constraints, to appear in Pacific Journal of Optimization.
- R. Nishimura, S. Hayashi and M. Fukushima, SDP
reformulation for robust optimization problems based on nonconvex QP
duality, to appear in Computational Optimization and Applications.
- M. Hu and M. Fukushima, Existence,
uniqueness, and computation of robust Nash equilibrium in a class of
multi-leader-follower games, to appear in SIAM Journal on Optimization.
- T. Okuno and M. Fukushima,
Local reduction based SQP-type method for semi-infinite programs with an
infinite number of second-order cone constraints, to appear in Journal of
Global Optimization.
・ 解説論文等
- 福島雅夫, 微分不可能な最適化問題に対する数理計画法(1)(2), オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 23 (1978), pp.
317-324, 384-393.
- 福島雅夫, 数理計画法の展開をさぐる-I: 非線形計画法の双対理論, システムと制御, 24 (1980), pp. 537-546.
- 福島雅夫, 数理計画法の展開をさぐる-III: 準ニュートン法, システムと制御, 24 (1980), pp. 668-679.
- M. Fukushima, A summary of
numerical algorithms in nonsmooth optimization, Proceedings of the 3rd
Mathematical Programming Symposium, Japan, Tokyo, October 1982, pp. 63-78.
- M. Fukushima, Solution methods for
variational inequalities, Proceedings of the 6th Mathematical Programming
Symposium, Japan, Tokyo, November 1985, pp. 75-95.
- 福島雅夫, Gradient と Subgradient, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 32 (1987),
pp. 356-359.
- 福島雅夫, 非線形最適化における並列アルゴリズム, システム/制御/情報, 34 (1990), pp. 223-231.
- 福島雅夫, 非線形計画法(1)-(3), BASIC数学, 24 (1991), pp. 62-67
(No. 8), pp. 63-69 (No. 9), pp. 70-75 (No. 10).
- 福島雅夫, 非線形ネットワーク・フロー問題とその応用, BASIC数学, 24 (1991), pp. 58-64 (No.
- 茨木俊秀, 福島雅夫,
最適化アルゴリズムの最近の動き, システム/制御/情報, 37 (1993), pp. 191-199.
- 福島雅夫, 数理計画問題に対する並列アルゴリズム, Proceedings of the Fifth RAMP Symposium, Tsukuba, October,
1993, pp. 15-28.
- 福島雅夫, 均衡モデル:相補性問題への招待, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 41 (1996), pp.
- 福島雅夫, 山下信雄,
相補性問題と変分不等式問題のメリット関数, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 42 (1997), pp. 423-428.
- 山下信雄, 福島雅夫,
非線形相補性問題に対する近接点法, 応用数理, 10
(2000), pp. 12-24.
- 福島雅夫, 最適化
-- 数理計画の視点から --, システム/制御/情報, 51 (2007), pp. 37-38.
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