※ Since 2016, only abstracts are available in this website,
with some exceptions.
Sep, 2024 |
Huimin Li |
A Strong Second-Order Sequential Optimality Condition for Nonlinear Optimization |
Mar, 2024 |
Kensuke Moritani |
An Efficient Method for Solving Multiobjective Optimization With Pascoletti-Serafini Model (in Japanese) |
Yuki Nishimura |
Multi-Objective Accelerated Proximal Gradient Methods with Restart Techniques |
Ryusei Nagai |
A Twin Hyper-Ellipsoidal Model with a Single Quadratic Constraint for Multiclass Classification |
Kohdai Nagashio |
Estimation of Mixing Ratios for a Mixture Distribution Using the Wasserstein Distance |
Yichen Zhang |
The Utilization of Global Optimization for Obtaining Generalized Nash Equilibria |
Ken Ito |
A Projected Gradient Method for Vector Optimization with Positive Semidefinite Cone and its Application to Experiment Design |
Mar, 2023 |
Shumpei Ariizumi |
Convergence Properties of Levenberg-Marquardt Methods with Generalized Regularization Terms |
Kosuke Okabe |
A Second-Order Sequential Optimality Condition for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming Problems |
Keigo Habara |
Convergence Analysis and Acceleration of the Smoothing Methods for Solving Extensive-Form Games |
Yuhei Yamamoto |
A Generalized Restart FISTA with Bregman Distance for Convex Optimization |
Mitsutaka Yamada |
Conjugate Gradient Methods for Optimization Problems on Symplectic Stiefel Manifold |
Tian Zhong |
Acceleration of Hyperparameter Learning via Lp-Bilevel Optimization Problems |
Sep, 2022 |
Atsushi Kawakami |
Augmented Lagrangian Method for Worst-Case Conditional Value-at-Risk Optimization (in Japanese) |
Mar, 2022 |
Akio Hifu |
A New Quasi-Newton Method for Unconstrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems |
Ren Ito |
Neural Architecture Search Via Sparse Optimization |
Kangming Chen |
A Proximal Gradient Method with Bregman Distance in Multi-objective Optimization |
Mar, 2021 |
Junpei Goto |
Approximated Logarithmic Maps on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to Optimization Problems |
Yu Mitsunari |
A Globally Convergent Levenberg-Marquardt Method for Degenerate Optimization with Equality and Inequality Constraints |
Kazuho Koganemaru |
Riemannian Generalized Newton Methods with Retractions for Nonsmooth Equations |
Tatsuya Tanaka |
An Uncertainty Model for Positive-Valued Parameters with Application to Robust Optimization |
Mar, 2020 |
Ryuji Bando |
On the Use of Differentiable Exact Penalty Functions for
Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming |
Yuji Tokuda |
An Explicit Exchange Method for Primal-Dual Sparse Optimization |
Koki Horiguchi |
A New Sequential Quadratic Programming Method for
Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Problems |
Choi Yerin |
Portfolio Optimization with Distributionally Robust
Entropic VaR |
Vu Hong Nhat |
Robust Support Vector Machines with Nonlinear Kernel
Functions and Data Transformation |
Sep, 2019 |
Hiroki Tanabe |
Merit Functions for Multiobjective Optimization and
Convergence Rates Analysis of Multiobjective Proximal
Gradient Methods |
Zhou Zichun |
Sparse Solutions of Affine Variational Inequality |
Mar, 2019 |
Kanako Mita |
Nonmonotone Descent Methods for Multiobjective Optimization Problems |
Ichiro Isonishi |
An Efficient Difference of Convex Functions Algorithm for Nonlinear Conic Programming |
Yusuke Nakai |
A Stochastic Projection Method with Variance Reduction for Variational Inequality Problems |
Shun Takayanagi |
Adaptive Gradient Method for Stochastic Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds |
Hiroya Kamo |
Positively Homogeneous Optimization on Inner Product Spaces and its Duality |
Reiichi Sugao |
An Improved Low-Rank Decomposition Model with Total Variation Regularization for Detecting Foreground |
Mar, 2018 |
Mirai Shimaguchi |
Equilibrium Problem Approaches for Hyper-Parameter Selections of Support Vector Machines |
Akiko Kobayashi |
Differentiable Exact Augmented Lagrangian Functions for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programs |
Yuuya Hikima |
An Active Set Method for L1-Regularized Optimization |
Ryota Katsuki |
A Block Coordinate Descent Method for Obtaining Vector Representations for Words |
Mar, 2017 |
Takuya Iizuka |
A Stabilized SQP-Type Method for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming Problems |
Tetsuya Ikegami |
An Equivalent Nonlinear Optimization Model with Triangular Low-Rank Factorization for Semidefinite Programs |
Takahiro Yamaguchi |
Efficient Implementation of Stochastic Gradient Descent Method with Variance Reduction |
Mar, 2016 |
Yukihiro Togari |
A Forward-Backward Splitting Method with Component-Wise Lazy Evaluation for Online Structured Convex Optimization |
Miko Morishita |
A Descent Method for Robust Multiobjective Optimization in the Presence of Implementation Errors |
Kouki Hama |
A Regularized Limited Memory BFGS Method for Box-Constrained Minimization Problems |
Shinya Kamiura |
Efficient Block Selections in Block Coordinate Gradient Descent Methods for Linearly Constrained Optimization Problem |
Daisuke Tsuyuguchi |
The Use of Smoothing Methods in Multi-Leader-Follower Games |
Mar, 2015 |
Kazuki Ohi |
On the Relation Between the Diversity of Players and the Stability of Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games |
Kazuma Iwasaki |
A Hybrid Algorithm of Gradient and Newton Methods for Semidefinite Programs |
Takuma Nishimura |
Differentiable Exact Penalty Functions for Nonlinear Optimization with Easy Constraints |
Toshiaki Haga |
An Accelerated Proximal Gradient Method for Fenchel-Type Dual Problems of General Support Vector Regressions |
Mar, 2014 |
Rei Umeda |
Universal Portfolios with Trading Cost and Downside Risk |
Kensuke Gomoto |
An Exchange Method with Refined Subproblems for Convex Semi-Infinite Programming Problems |
Shinji Sugimoto |
A Regularized Limited Memory BFGS Method for Unconstrained Minimization Problems |
Kazuki Matsuda |
Simultaneous Likelihood Estimation for Normal Mixture Distributions and Sparse Precision Matrix |
Mar, 2013 |
Sou Kadomoto |
A Randomized Block-Coordinate Descent Method for Online Convex Optimization Problem |
Masaki Kono |
A Regularized Outer Approximation Method for Monotone Semi-Infinite Variational Inequality Problems |
Kouhei Yasuda |
Sl_1QP Based Algorithm with Trust Region Technique for Solving Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming Problems |
Mar, 2012 |
Keisuke Takasu |
Smoothing Method for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programs with Complementarity
Constraints and Its Application to the Smart House Scheduling Problem |
Tomohiro Niimi |
A Multiplier Method with Variable Augmented Lagrangian Functions |
Takahiro Noda |
Three-Stage Model for the Manufacturer-Supplier Game in Supply Chain Management |
Hiroshi Yamamura |
A Smoothing SQP Method for Mathematical Programs with Second-order Cone Complementarity Constraints |
Masataka Nishimori |
Practical Implementations of the Adaptive Regularized Newton Method |
Keisuke Morita |
A Tridiagonal Quasi-Newton Method for the Large-Scale Unconstrained Minimization Problem |
Mar, 2011 |
Yoshihiko Ito |
Robust Wardrop Equilibria in the Traffic Assignment Problem with Uncertain Data |
Shunsuke Ozoe |
A Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming Approach to the Smart House Scheduling Problem |
Shota Yamanaka |
A Branch-and-Bound Method for Absolute Value Programs and Its Application to Facility Location Problems |
Masaki Yoshida |
Optimization Models for Constructing a Portfolio Function with Kernel Methods |
Ke Ruan |
Robust Portfolio Selection with a Combined WCVaR and Factor Model |
Mar, 2010 |
Otsubo Ryota |
Optimal Design of a Combined Heat and Power Network |
Takayuki Okuno |
A Regularized Explicit Exchange Method for Semi-Infinite Programs with an Infinite Number of Second-Order Cone Constraints |
Takahiro Nishi |
A Semidefinite Programming Relaxation Approach for the Pooling Problem |
Kenji Yamatani |
Pricing American Options with Uncertain Volatility through Stochastic Linear Complementarity Models |
Daisuke Yamamoto |
Convexity Analysis and Splitting Algorithm for the Sum-Rate Maximization Problem |
Mar, 2009 |
Kenji Ueda |
A Regularized Newton Method Without Line Search for Unconstrained Optimization |
Munetaka Kanayama |
交通混雑問題におけるパレート改善の方法 (in Japanese) |
Katsunori Kubota |
A Gap Functon Approach to the Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problem |
Noritoshi Kurokawa |
Global Convergence of Derivative-Free Trust Region Algorithm Using Inexact Information on Function Values |
Ryoichi Nishimura |
Semidefinite Programming Reformulation for a Class of Robust Optimization
Problems and its Application to Robust Nash Equiiblium Problems |
Mar, 2008 |
Takeshi Seki |
New Local Search Methods for Improving the Lagrangian Relaxation-Based Unit Commitment Solution |
Jun Takaki |
A Derivative-Free Trust-Region Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization with Controllable Error |
Koichi Nabetani |
Variational Inequality Approaches to Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems |
Ailing Zhang |
Quadratic Fractional Programming Problems with Quadratic Constraints |
Mar, 2007 |
Takeshi Ejiri |
A Smoothing Method for Mathematical Programs with Second-Order Cone Complementarity Constraints |
Dohko Shinya |
A Smoothing Implicit Programming Method for Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming Problems |
Dinh Hoang Tien |
大規模な非線形計画問題に対するスパース準ニュートン更新について (in Japanese) |
Keiichirou Hoshimura |
Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for Constrained Optimization Problem |
Mar, 2006 |
Yutaka Kaseyama |
Analysis of Generalized Processor Sharing Networks with Variable Service Rate |
Hirokazu Kato |
Sequential Quadratic Programming Method for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming Problems |
Shigeaki Maeda |
Approximate Formulas for the Cell Loss Probability in Finite-Buffer Queues with Correlated Input |
Mar, 2005 |
Yuusuke Ikehata |
スペースデブリ観測レーダーの最適操作 (in Japanese) |
Takayuki Oka |
Estimation of Packet Loss Probability Based on Measured Traffic Data |
Kentaro Okazaki |
Approximate Analysis of Tandem Blocking Queueing Networks with Correlated Arrivals and Services |
Hiroshi Okazaki |
A Robust User Equilibrium in the Traffic Assignment Problem under Uncertainty |
Rocsildes Canoy |
A Numerically Robust Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem |
Mar, 2004 |
Daisuke Asahara |
Distributed Contents Discovery Based on PageRank |
Takurou Kutsuna |
Optimal Design of PAC-Companion Structure for Mortage Backed Securities Using Cash Reserve |
Yasuhiro Takeda |
IP Traffic Modeling for Packet Loss Estimation |
Mar, 2003 |
Hideki Takeguchi |
Analysis of a Batch-Arival Batch-Service Queueing System and Its Application to Optimization of the Order of Services |
Takashi Hashimoto |
Quantitative Evaluation of the Energy System in an Adaptive Network Architecture |
Takahiro Yamaguchi |
A Matrix Splitting Method for Affine Second-Order Cone Complementarity Problems |
Hirokatsu Yoshida |
Optimal Transaction Strategy Incorporating Liquidity Risk |
Haiguang Hu |
A New Simulation-Based Approach for Multi-Period Portfolio Optimization Problem |
Mar, 2002 |
Yujin Imagawa |
Modeling and Analysis of Buffer Management Schemes in a DiffServ Router |
Akihiro Enomoto |
Community Based Discovery in Peer to Peer Networks |
Jun Tajima |
A Branch and Bound Method for the Mathematical Program with Mixed Complementarity Constraints |
Shiro Tsuchiyama |
Performance Analysis of a Dynamic Channel Switching Scheme in IMT-2000 |
Shunsuke Hayashi |
On the Coerciveness of Merit Functions for the Second-Order Cone Complementarity Problems |
Mar, 2001 |
Tomoyuki Ito |
Multiperiod Portfolio Selection with Second-order Cone Constraints |
Masateru Ohnishi |
Performance Analysis of a Differentiated Service Router |
Hiroshige Dan |
Convergence Properties of the Inexact Levenberg-Marquardt Method under Local Error Bound Conditions |
Hiroyuki Masuyama |
Analysis of an Infinite-Server Queue with Markovian Arrival Streams |
Miyamoto Naomi |
An Equilibrium Model of a Self-organizing Network Architecture |
Mar, 2000 |
Dai Inoue |
Sojourn Time in a Queue with Clustered Periodic Arrivals |
Masahiro Kyouno |
Nonlinear Proximal Decomposition Method with Bregman Function |
Hiroyuki Moriyama |
The Incremental Gauss-Newton Algorithm with Adaptive Stepsize Rule |
Takahiro Yamada |
Modeling MPEG Video Traffic Based on Superposition of Homogeneous On-Off Sources |
Takuya Konishi |
A New Algorithm for Computing the Fundamental Period Matrix in Markov Chains of M/G/1 Type |
Mar, 1999 |
Junshi Imai |
The Proximal Point Method for the P0 Complementarity Problem |
Takashi Hashimoto |
多期間資産配分問題に対する近似解法 (in Japanese) |
Tomoyuki Morimoto |
An Infeasible Interior Proximal Method for Convex Programming Problems with Linear Constraints |
Mar, 1998 |
Masahiro Shibata |
The Extended Semidefinite Linear Complementarity Problem: A Reformulation Approach |
Kenjiro Yamada |
A New Derivative-free Descent Method for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem |
Mar, 1997 |
Seiji Nakazawa |
Decomposition of a Portfolio Optimization Model by Splitting Methods |